A Simple Bootloader
#Coding#OsDevHow it started
Writing bootcode using only the bios functions can be quite funny. Implementing programs without loading additional data using only 512 bytes is a nice challenge. However at some point comes the desire to do some more complex things. That was the day when I decided to write a bootloader for fun.
There are a handful of points that I have considered before writing a bootloader.
The main question is what do I want to load?
- A bunch of bytes from a fixed address at the drive?
- A file from a file system on the drive?
After answering that question I had to think about the design of the bootloader. A bootloader can be single staged or multi staged.
Single staged means that all the magic fits into 512 bytes, the bootloader loads the data directly.
For bootloaders, that have to do some more complex things, like handling user input or supporting multiple file systems, 512 bytes are unsatisfactory. A solution is a bootloader that consists of two stages. A big, bloated stage that does all the file loading and a small stage that loads the second stage. Such a bootloader is called a multi stage bootloader.
My decision fell to a bootloader that is able to load a file from a FAT12 formatted drive by its name. Since FAT12 is fairly simple, a single staged bootloader is enough to meet these requirements.
The whole code was written during my first apprenticeship, most of it originated during the daily train trips to school.
The layout of a FAT12 formatted drive
Lets start with a little excursion about the layout of a FAT12 formatted drive. A FAT12 formatted drive begins with the boot record. The boot record has a fixed size of 512 bytes.
The Bios Parameter Block
The BPB is a structure in the boot record describing the drive and the file system. The bootloader contains a DOS 4.0 Extended BPB with the following data:
;; 3 bytes for jump after the BPB
jmp short start
OEMLabel: db "mkfs.fat"
SectorSize: dw 512
SectorsPerCluster: db 1
ReservedForBoot: dw 1
NumberOfFats: db 2
NumberOfRootDirEntrys: dw 224
LogicalSectors: dw 2880
MediumByte: db 0F0h
SectorsPerFat: dw 9
SectorsPerTrack: dw 18
NumberOfHeads: dw 2
HiddenSectors: dd 0
LargeSectors: dd 0
DriveNumber: dw 0
Signature: db 41
VolumeID: dd 0
VolumeLabel: db "FatTest "
FileSystem: db "FAT12 "
The data in the BPB is essential information for loading additional code and data from a drive.
The File Allocation Table
The boot record is followed by one or more file allocation tables. The file allocation table describes the distribution of the files on the drive. The FAT12 file system organizes the data on the drive in clusters. The size of a cluster may be equal to the size of a sector, but a cluster can also span over multiple sectors.
A File Allocation Table is a list of all the clusters on the drive. Each entry contains either the index of the next cluster in the cluster chain for a file or special markers indicating an empty cluster or the end of the cluster chain.
The first two entries in the file allocation table contain special values. The first entry holds the fat id and the second entry holds the special marker indicating the end of a cluster chain.
The 12 in FAT12 describes the size of each entry in the file allocation table, 12 bytes.
The root directory table
Directories are organized as tables on a FAT12 partition. All those tables are organized as files on the drive except the root directory table. It starts right after the file allocation table(s) and has a fixed number of entries. Each entry has a size of 32 bytes and describes a file in the directory.
The entries have the following layout:
description | size
short file name | 8 bytes
short file extension | 3 bytes
file attributes | 1 byte
user attributes | 1 byte
creation time or first character | 1 byte
password hash or creation time | 2 bytes
creation date | 2 bytes
owner id | 2 bytes
access rights | 2 bytes
last modification time | 2 bytes
last modification date | 2 bytes
first cluster | 2 bytes
file size | 4 bytes
Implementing the bootloader
The bootloader has to complete several tasks to load and execute a program from the drive:
- Relocate the bootloader that the program can be loaded to the the memory address where the BIOS loads bootcode to. This is the address 0x7c00.
- Load the root directory table and find the entry for the file that should be loaded.
- Follow the chain of entries in the file allocation table and load the file into memory.
- Jump to the position where the file is loaded.
- A nice extra would be preserving the drive number of the boot drive and passing it to the loaded program.
Relocation the program
The relocation is a pretty simple task. There is the rep instruction in x86 assembly. It repeats a string operation until the cx register equals zero. In combination with the movsw instruction, which moves a single word (two bytes) from ds:si to es:di, it can be used to copy any amount of data around.
After that comes a far jump to the new location, that also changes the code segment cs.
;; Move 512 bytes form 0x7c00 to 0x600 and jump to the new address
mov ax, 0x7c0
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 0x60
mov es, ax
xor si, si
xor di, di
mov cx, 256
rep movsw
jmp 0x60:go_on
Loading actual data from a drive
This is not quite so simple. The BIOS handles drives still as floppy like devices. Floppys had those thin magnet disks. Some disks were read- and writable and both sides and others only at one. Reading and writing to such a disk happens by the head over the disk. Therefore you can refer to a side of a specific disk by the number of its head. The disk itself is split in many circular magnet stripes called tracks for one or two heads and cylinders for more heads. Furthermore a cylinder is split in several sectors, which are 1-indexed.
Therefore the cylinder, the head and the sector need to be known to address a sector on a floppy. This is commonly referred to as CHS. An alternative to this is the Logical Block Addressing - LBA. This is a zero-indexed linear addressing scheme for sectors on a drive and a useful abstraction.
However, most file systems including FAT do not think in sectors, but in clusters. A cluster may be equal to one sector, but can also span over two or more sectors.
This brings the need for some helper functions to get the cylinder, head and sector from a cluster.
The LBA can be calculated from a cluster using the following formula (Note that the cluster numbering starts at 2):
%macro cluster2LBA 0
;; This macro calculates the LBA from the cluster in ax and saves it in
;; the ax register.
;; Cluster numbering starts at 2, therefore first subtract 2 from the
;; cluster number to get zero-based cluster numbers.
;; LBA = Cluster * SectorsPerCluster + RootStartSector + RootSize
sub ax, 2
xor cx, cx
mov cl, [SectorsPerCluster]
mul cx
add al, [RootStartSector]
add ax, [RootSize]
From that the cylinder, head and sector can be calculated with
%macro lbachs 0
;; This macro converts a LBA address stored in ax to a CHS address
;; and saves the track/cylinder in the ch register, the sector in the
;; cl register and the head in the dh register.
xor dx, dx
div word [SectorsPerTrack]
;; ax -> lba / spt
;; dx -> lba % spt
inc dx
;; sectors = lba mod spt + 1
mov cl, dl
xor dx, dx
div word [NumberOfHeads]
;; ax -> lba / (spt * heads)
;; dx -> (lba / spt) % heads
;; Save the head to dh
mov dh, dl
;; Save the cylinder to ch
mov ch, al
With this knowledge a function that reads multiple sectors from a drive can be implemented.
The data can be loaded using the interrupt 0x13,2. This interrupt takes the number of sectors to read in al, the cylinder in the two most significant bits of cl and ch, the head in dh, the drive number in dl and a pointer to a buffer in es:bx.
An important thing to remember is that this interrupt sets the carry flag in case of an error. This is important for reading from real floppies. Several read attempts may be necessary to give the motor some time to reach the required speed.
;; Read n sectors starting from LBA with n in ax and LBA in bx to the
;; segment:address stored in es:cx
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 8
mov [bp-2], ax
mov [bp-4], bx
mov [bp-6], cx
mov word [bp-8], MAX_READ_ATTEMPTS
;; Lets read data from the drive. There are at maximum 5 attempts to
;; read, so that the motor has enough time to reach the correct speed.
;; Knowing how a floppy is made up really helps understanding the
;; following code.
;; Floppy disks had those thin magnet disks. Some disks were read- and
;; write able and both sides and others only at one. Reading and writing
;; to such a disk happens by the head over the disk, so a side of the
;; is commonly referred the by the number of its head.
;; Each disk is split in many circular magnet stripes. These are
;; called tracks for one or two heads and cylinders for more heads.
;; Furthermore a cylinder is split in several sectors, which are
;; 1-indexed.
;; For this bootloader a 3.5" High Density floppy with 1.44Mb and 80
;; tracks/cylinders, each with 18 sectors of 512 bytes is simulated.
mov ax, [bp-4]
;; Read to es:[bp-6]
mov bx, [bp-6]
;; ch, cl and dh are already set from the call to the lbachs function
mov dl, [BootDrive]
;; Move 2 in ah and 1 in al
mov ax, 0000001000000001b
int 0x13
jnc .read_next_sector
dec word [bp-8]
jnz .read_loop
;; Enter an endless loop if reading wasn't successful in the fifth try.
mov si, ReadError
call print_error
dec word [bp-2]
;; Finish if no sectors are remaining
jz .read_done
inc word [bp-4]
mov ax, [SectorSize]
add [bp-6], ax
mov word [bp-8], MAX_READ_ATTEMPTS
jmp .read_loop
add sp, 8
pop bp
Now one or more continuous sectors can be loaded. This is suitable for loading a single cluster. But a file may be distributed over multiple clusters. And these clusters may not be stored in a continuous chain. This is called fragmentation. To gather all the sectors of a file one has to follow the cluster chain of the file in the file allocation table.
The entry of the current cluster in the file allocation table contains either the index of the next cluster in the chain or a special marker indicating that this cluster is the last one in the cluster chain of the file.
%macro getNextCluster 0
;; Get the next cluster for the cluster in ax
;; Saves the next cluster in ax.
mov cx, ax
mov dx, ax
;; The current cluster is now in ax, cx and dx
;; Divide ax by two
shr ax, 1
;; The cluster size in FAT12 is 12 bits, 3/2 bytes. The next cluster
;; is the FAT pointer + 3/2 the current cluster.
add cx, ax
mov bx, [FatPointer]
add bx, cx
;; Read two bytes
mov ax, [bx]
;; Test if even or odd cluster number and extract the 12 bits of the
;; cluster.
test dx, 1
jnz %%odd_cluster
;; Get the least significant 12 bits.
and ax, 0111111111111b
jmp %%done
;; Shift ax 4 bits right to get the 12 most significant bits.
shr ax, 4
With that information an actual file can be loaded cluster by cluster from the drive.
;; This function loads a file with the starting cluster in ax to the
;; address stored in bx.
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 4
mov [bp-2], ax
mov [bp-4], bx
mov ax, [bp-2]
;; Read cluster into memory
mov bx, ax
xor ax, ax
mov al, [SectorsPerCluster]
mov cx, [bp-4]
call readsectors
;; Increase the file pointer by the size of a cluster
xor ax, ax
mov al, [SectorsPerCluster]
mov cx, [SectorSize]
mul cx
add [bp-4], ax
mov ax, [bp-2]
mov [bp-2], ax
;; Test for the special "end of file" marker
cmp ax, 0xFFF
jne .load_file_loop
add sp, 4
pop bp
I one point the bootloader was almost finished, however I could not load a file larger than one sector. This bothered me for several weeks. One night I woke up at 3 AM and just knew what the bug was. I got up, turned on my PC, quickly typed my solution and went back to sleep. Two hours later I got up again and went to work. The whole day I got more and more excited to see whether my solution actually worked and was so happy in the evening to know that I finally finished my bootloader.
In the end my problem was that I had not increased the pointer to the buffer for the file to load by the size of one cluster, but by a single byte.
Load the root directory table
To process the root directory table, it first needs to be loaded into the memory. To load the root directory table into memory, its location has to be known. The root directory table is located right after to reserved boot sector(s) and the file allocation table(s).
The information needed to calculate the start address of the root directory table can be gathered from the BIOS parameter block.
The formula for the first sector of the root directory table is:
And the size of the root directory table in sectors can be calculated with:
Processing a root directory table entry
Each entry starts with the filename in the 8.3 format. That means 8 bytes for the name and 3 bytes for the file extension. If the name is shorter than 8 bytes, the rest is padded with spaces.
Processing such an entry is easy, just compare the first 11 bytes of the entry with the name of the file the bootloader loads.
If both are equal, the file can be loaded and control passed to it. Switching to the loaded file happens trough a far jump that changes the code segment register cs to the segment the file is loaded to.
;; This function processes an entry of the root directory table with its
;; address in ax and loads the file describe by the entry if the name
;; matches the 8.3 name stored in FileName.
mov cx, 11
mov si, ax
mov di, FileName
repe cmpsb
je .pass_control
;; The si register holds the address of the root directory table entry
;; of the file to load + 11
;; The address of the first cluster of the file to load is the address
;; of the root directory table entry + 26
;; [si+15] holds the first cluster.
mov ax, [si+15]
;; Load to FILE_SEGMENT:0
mov es, bx
xor bx, bx
call load_file
;; Pass the boot drive to the next stage.
mov dl, [BootDrive]
;; Far jump to the next stage
At this point the task of the bootloader is done. The full source code with all the given pieces put together is available in the GitLab repository kalehmann/SiBoLo.
Installation on a drive
The bootloader comes with a little C program for the installation on a drive.
Example usage
Setting up the bootloader to load a program, such as my Pong from scratch is pretty straightforward.
Building the project
First the bootloader and its installer have to be build. This can be done using the makefile of the project. Note that nasm and gcc have to be installed to build te project.
Creating an floppy image
Creating a floppy image can be done using the mkfs.fat utility. The following command creates a new FAT12 image named floppy.flp with a size of 1.44 MB.
mkfs.fat -C floppy.flp 1440
To copy files onto the image, it needs to be mounted first. And to mount a regular file under Linux, a loop device has to be associated with it. losetup is the tool of choice for this task. The following commands assume that the pong binary has already been build and copied to the projects directory.
LOOP_DEV=$(losetup -f)
losetup ${LOOP_DEV} floppy.flp
mount ${LOOP_DEV} /mnt
cp PONG.BIN /mnt/
umount /mnt
Using the installer
The bootloader gets written on the floppy image with the supplied installer. The installer takes 3 arguments in the following order:
- the bootloader binary
- the floppy image to write the bootloader onto
- the name of the file the bootloader should load
Note that the name of the file that the bootloader loads needs to comply with the 8.3 format. The length of the base name must not exceed 8 bytes and the length of the file extension must not exceed 3 bytes. All letters must be upper case.
./sibolo-install bootloader.bin floppy.flp PONG.BIN
Test with qemu
The QEMU PC System emulator can be used to test the created floppy. The -fda
option tells qemu to use the following file as floppy.
qemu-system-x86_64 -fda floppy.flp